Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mar Joseph Powathil, 'The Great Wall Of the Church'

Mar Joseph Powathil can be considered as the 'GREAT WALL OF THE CHURCH', in front of new age crisis. It is only because of his presence and motivation that the church succeeded in resisting the atheism and atheist attack against the faith and minority rights of the church.

In the Self financing collage issues, KEAR modifications, Curriculum frame work, Centralized 'One window' program for the XI admission procedure or in the new text book dilemma, what ever be the problems, it was mar powathil's firm determinations and beliefs, that led the church into the track to fight against it.

Thus what ever be the problem, mar powathil is there, right in front of it, as a great wall or a huge mountain, to protect the faith and rights of the church.

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